Shutts & Bowen

$216 of $100,000 raised

Entrepreneurs United with Shutts and Bowen LLP

As global entrepreneurs we have come together to partner with Shutts and Bowen LLP to raise money for Essential needs. This will help The Women’s International Zionist Organization provide emergency supplies to bomb shelters and relocate vulnerable citizens in war torn areas to safety.

WIZO’s Immediate needs have now surpassed
$2,000,000.00 (TWO Million).
We have secured a MATCHING GIFT OF $1,000,000.00 (ONE Million)
from several generous donors.
Each Dollar you give will be DOUBLED!

100% of donations to this campaign go directly to Israel.

Your donation will help with wartime needs.
  • Mobilizing and transporting thousands to safety.
  • Providing emotional and psychological support.
  • Reinforcing bomb shelters.
  • Increasing emergency hotlines.
  • Keeping  8 day care centers in and near hospitals running
  • Setting up special resources (emotional and mental support, childcare services, grocery shopping assistance, and fulfilling any other need) for women whose partners have been called up for reserve duty in the army: mothers of soldiers on the frontlines; mothers of young children coping with anxiety and trauma; single mothers; and wives of men serving in reserve duty.

Thank you to our generous Donors!


Anonymous User


February 19, 2024

Amount Donated

Deedee Bitran

January 31, 2024

Amount Donated